Legendary Labradoodles
Quality Food, Helpful Books, and Basic Supplies
Enjoy perusing this awesome list of products that we have carefully selected.
Order food to have on hand and consider a few different flavors and extra freeze dried food, doodles can be picky eaters. The freeze dried doubles as food topper and treat for training!
Be sure the basics are set up and ready to go before picking up your puppy.
RAWBBLE freeze dried is the primary food your puppy will eat. As your puppy settles in to your home, add in the Pawtree Kibble
As you are training your puppy, you will need high value treats as an option.
Every puppy has unique needs to perform at their very best. In addition to the fish oil to help coats stay silky and shiny, the meal toppers add a little extra flavor for the pickier eaters. PawTree offers a chewable allergy supplement, ear cleaner, natural flea and tick spray and a Chillax chewable for dogs who are easily stressed by thunder, loud noises or car rides.